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维也纳百年庄园 让传统风情融合漂亮时尚

摘要: 计划\Design:StefanoTordiglioneDesign拍照\PhotographyCredits:PietroSavorelli“这所位于维也纳边城小镇的700平方米大宅,建于1890年代,座拥精美庭园,在已往一个世纪,不停是本地富裕家属的避暑庄园。受它的新 ...

计划 \ Design:Stefano Tordiglione Design

拍照 \ Photography Credits:Pietro Savorelli

这所位于维也纳边城小镇的700平方米大宅,建于1890年代,座拥精美庭园,在已往一个世纪,不停是本地富裕家属的避暑庄园。受它的新主人所託,ST Design为这所百年大宅换上全新装璜

Built in the 1890s, the 700-square-meter residence has been a summer retreat for Viennese aristocracy for the past century. ST Design was commissioned to completely redesign the mansion.


Entrusted with the restoration of a historical house in a small pretty town in the outskirts of Vienna, ST Design has created a cozy and soulful home that celebrates local heritage with contemporary functionality.


The design team reconfigured a new interior layout to address the needs and wishes of the family, and featured a host of design details paying homage to local arts and architecture.

“客人根本上只想到将这所百年大宅酿成一个舒服的家,在计划上,他们赋予我们非常大的信托和创作空间。”ST Design 创意总监Stefano Tordiglione分享道:“我们按照客人家庭各成员的必要和喜欢,和大宅地点地的汗青文化配景,度身计划了一个非凡人性化的室内计划,把屋内部门空间重新规划,好比在厨房旁加添早饭室、在侧门入口处加了一个脱鞋子易服服的地方等等。颠末三年的翻新工程后,这所古老大宅被活化成一个典雅温馨的家,亦到处弥漫着维也纳的文化气味。”

“The house needed professional attention to recover its charm. The family wished a comfortable home and delegated ST Design with total trust and freedom,” said Stefano Tordiglione, Creative Director at ST Design. “Taking the family’s needs, wishes and lifestyle into consideration, as well as the historic nature of the house, we designed a new layout with functional areas like a breakfast room next to the kitchen and a mud room as an alternative entrance, for example. After three years of work, the house was transformed into an elegant home filled with sophisticated details.”


Taking cues from a reference historical building in the heart of Vienna, the exterior of the residence was brought to life in a warm yellow tone. The sense of belonging to the territory has been a very important design objective for Stefano in this project. Another example is the big stucco finish around the ceiling perimeter in both the living and dining rooms. This architectural highlights was inspired by the beautiful Secession building in Vienna.

屋内有多道墙的图案均由ST Design计划,并特约闻名画家Alexander Hamilton 及 Caterina Enni-Misson人手绘画,包罗在早饭室中的飞鸟图案、楼梯牆上的花草、饭厅的丛林和在客堂和客人洗手间牆身的图案等。当中有奥地利着名象徵主义画家古斯塔夫·克林姆(Gustav Klimt)常用的金色及图形,以向这位大家及黄金时期的维也纳艺术致敬。

Many patterns on the walls are custom-designed by ST Design and hand-painted by renowned artists Alexander Hamilton and Caterina Enni-Misson. Patterns include flying birds in the breakfast room, a flower pattern on the staircase wall, forest scenes in the dining room, and some other style in the living room and powder room. All patterns pay homage to the turn of the century Vienna. There are also some hints of the famous Austrian painter Klimt by integrating shapes and gold tones commonly seen in his works.

屋内每个房间都有差别的主题,透过专业的选材和配色,营建共同的風格。甫进入入口大厅,顿时会被天花板上的大型吊灯锁住眼光,它自己是一盏手製于佛罗伦斯的古董吊灯,后经ST Design修復及加工,成为一件无独有偶的艺术品;配上以经典好坏对配的意大利石砖地板,典雅华美。左侧牆身设有一个由Stefano主办的装置艺术,展示多个外形差别、但均在50年代意大利卢卡镇製造的画框,酿上锌、玻璃镜或留白,以差别的折射映照出从敞大玻璃窗透入的暖光,举目尽是一幅幅耀目标图画。低头看,不少地板也有它的共同魅力,像侧门鞋物衣帽间的地板,是以特洪流泥石砖加上度身计划的实木图案框架而成,而主楼层的地板,则相沿原本的质料,经加深颜色及特殊处置惩罚,让它重展动人美态。

Every room in the house is finished in a unique way by masterfully blending colors, fixtures and materials. The high-ceiling entrance hall is adorned with an antique lantern from Florence, adapted and redesigned by the ST Design team. The black and white classical pattern of the floor is made with northern Italian stone. The left wall of the entrance hall is an art installation custom-made by Stefano with some original frames from Lucca, Italy from the 1950s, alternated with emptiness and zinc. The double-height windows provide the principal source of light and soul to the area. At the alternate entrance, the flooring of the mud room is designed with large cement squares framed by specially designed wood decor. The beautiful parquet on the ground floor is mostly restored from the original one after being treated and darkened.

房子有不少空间,均与美食和生存咀嚼有关。计划师把前身为客堂的地方,改建成一个功能厨房,并参加大型的石砖烤炉和中岛,为喜好烹调的家庭成员带来无比的方便和满意感。在饭厅中,计划师特殊装上4盏由意大利计划教父吉奥·蓬蒂(Giò Ponti)在40年代製造的灯饰,和镶有古董玻璃镜的铜框滑动门,令饭厅平添优雅而温馨的派头。而铺以蓝调木牆的雪茄房,则装有一个在伦敦度身订造的火炉。

A significant volume of the house contains areas for cooking, dining and relaxing. The former living room was transformed into a kitchen with a real pizza-and-bread brick oven and an island, perfect for family cooking. The dining room features four beautiful lamps made in the 1940s attributed to Giò Ponti to make the space soulful and warm, complemented with the expressly-designed, copper-framed sliding doors with antique mirror hand-made in Rome. The cigar room was decorated with blue wood and a custom fireplace commissioned in London.


An octagonal room between the kitchen and the cigar room was designed for the joy of having a family breakfast overlooking the garden. Opposite to the corner sofa bench are four hand-made brass lamps especially designed by ST with different coloured lights to fill this room with a magical ambiance at night.

庄园主人为一个五人家庭,每间寝室均反映出各成员的共同个性和咀嚼。宽敞的主人房以可转动的镜子连布料为隔牆,能有用分隔睡床位置和洗手间入口处外,亦不失空间感;侧门外建有一个「冬日花圃」,让两位主人在冬天时足不出户,亦可欣赏到园林美景;至于铺上Arabescato 大理石的主人浴室,牆身的「机密」图案,是来自维也纳着名大型音乐钟 - 安可钟下的图纹。而三位孩子们的专用浴室,则分别採用孔雀和两套差别的鱼图案,和来自意大利Fornasetti 系列的瓷砖;他们的房间也各有差别的个性计划,兼具实用性的装置,比方敞大的储物空间等。

Custom-made for a family of five, each bedroom has its own identity. The master bedroom is characterized by a spinning mirror and fabric partition, which is intended to create a sense of openness while separating the bed from the entrance to the bathroom. The adjacent side door leads to a wooden sitting area that serves as a winter garden enjoying a bird’s eye view of the stunning scene outside. The master bathroom is in Arabescato marble and a 'secret' pattern in the shower that echoes the pattern found under the famous Anker clock in Vienna. The other bathrooms for the children use patterns of different animals including peacocks, fish from the Fornasetti collection and Italian tiles. All three children can enjoy their own world with unique personality and functional design details, such as spacious storage.

“总言而之,我们想为客人计划一个舒服、优雅及实用的家,它既向维也纳已往的文化和艺术致敬,亦为未来的无穷优美奉上歌颂。”Stefano Tordiglione表现。

“All in all, we wanted to design a home that is comfortable, elegant and practical. The home also pays homage to the past and it is an ode to the future,” said Stefano Tordiglione.


Name of Project: Vienna House

计划公司:Stefano Tordiglione Design

Interior Design Studio: Stefano Tordiglione Design

计划总监:Stefano Tordiglione

Chief Designer: Stefano Tordiglione


Location: Vienna, Austria


Completion Date: Aug 2019

占地面积:3,500平方米 (住宅连花圃)

Total property size 3,500 sqm (house & garden)

项目拍照:Pietro Savorelli

Photo: Pietro Savorelli

Stefano Tordiglione

Stefano Tordiglione 于意大利拿玻里出生,并于1990年代移居纽约工作及学习。他的第一份计划相干职务于伦敦睁开,并关始与国际着名的意大利工作室互助。Stefano的爱好亦非常广泛,其艺术作品成为不少私家收藏家的典藏。他亦是团结国儿童基金会的项目司理及艺术总监,于意大利准备多项国际运动。

Stefano在艺术范畴开展多年,到场过多个展览及个人计划元素。今后Stefano移居香港,并于2010年建立Stefano Tordiglione Design。他感到香港能为计划师带来真实的自由,而且以为在这里可以创作出真正创新的作品。


计划为Stefano的艺术创意翻开了一片天。他以为每一位客户都是无独有偶的,而作为一个创意交换的时机,更有助于他概念化地实践客户的需求。这亦是Stefano 与其他计划师差别的地方,由于他定必起首深入相识客户的必要。在整个计划空间当中,Stefano不但资助客户找到他们的特点,同时亦会开掘他们的汗青、志向,和天天生存上的点滴。

而为了带出这类共同的计划体验,Stefano有赖于计划团队的支持. 其团队亦同样有着相似的国际配景,包罗来自欧洲和亚洲各地的修建师和计划师,将他们与别差别的创意咀嚼带给每一名客户。



2015 至今:中华天下工贸易团结会家具装潢业商会计划师委员会委员

2016-2017:It's Liquid 艺术大奖评委

2018:透视杂志A&D Trophy Award评委











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